Available to all Senior, Honorary and Family members to give access outside official club activities.
The keys are numbered security keys and a register is kept.
Each key will open all locks on the clubhouse, dinghy parks and sheds.
The key will be posted to you or can be collected from the clubhouse as preferred.
Please note the payment is a fee and not a deposit.
Requires approval.
Clubhouse Key
At all times the key remains the property of Newcastle Yacht Club. Keys may only be allocated to individuals with full membership and cannot be passed on to any other member.
It is up to the last member out of the building to lock up the clubhouse and ensure that all other buildings and gates are securely locked.
2. Each key will have an individual number stamped on it and a key register will contain a list of all registered holders. This key is secure and cannot be recut in the high street or copied.
3. The keys are not transferrable
4. Should you cease to become a member or downgrade your membership status, you will be asked to return your registered key.
5. The committee reserve the right to refuse a member a key or ask for a key to be returned at any time.