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Entry fee is £5 per boat.


By completing this registration 

1. I agree to be bound by “The Racing Rules of Sailing” and by all other rules that govern this event.

2. I agree to waive any claim for loss, damage or personal injury against Newcastle Yacht Club and any individual or body concerned with this event and to indemnify Newcastle Yacht Club and their members or representatives against all actions, proceedings, claims, costs and demands arising out of the organisation of this event. RRS Rule 4 states “The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone”. I understand this to include the decision whether or not to launch and will take into account the skill, equipment and clothing of both helm and crew. I accept that Newcastle Yacht Club and any of their members or representatives will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the Event.

3. Where I am not sailing a Club-boat, I certify that I have a valid and current Certificate of Insurance with a minimum indemnity of £2,000,000 which covers me while racing, and that I will continue to do so for the duration of the Event.

5. If completing this entry for a helm aged under 18, I confirm that I am the helm's guardian or parent and that I or another responsible adult for the helm (and crew if applicable) will be present at the event at all times. 

6. I have read and will comply with the sailing instructions for the regatta. 

2024 Regatta Entry

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